Festa di San Giuseppe


Festa di San Giuseppe

So happy to announce that that Noto Family will be making the St. Joseph Table this year. We will be celebrating on MARCH 19th.

Join the Noto family at the table to honor St. Joseph’s Feast Day on March 19 at Noto’s Old World Italian Dining. 6:30PM Mass / Dinner to follow. The St. Joseph Table is a religious and traditional custom that started centuries ago in Sicily. When Sicilians were affected by a severe drought, they turned to St. Joseph, the Father of Jesus and head of the Holy Family, to rescue them by asking St. Joseph to intercede before God for their cause. As a result of their prayer and intercession of St. Joseph, an abundance of rain was poured over the fields to save their crops. As a sign of gratitude to God, the Sicilians committed themselves to share the fruit of the earth with the poor. The tradition was started all over Sicily and spread throughout the world.